


This disclosure applies to the website SitMotion (https://sitmotion.com) and all its associated content and services. By using this website, you acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this disclosure.

Website Purpose

SitMotion’s primary aim is to provide informative content, exercises, and recommendations to individuals seeking guidance on staying active while seated. Our goal is to encourage physical movement and promote overall health for people who spend a significant amount of time sitting, particularly at their desks.

Medical Disclaimer

The information provided on SitMotion is intended for general informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your healthcare provider before beginning any exercise program or making changes to your lifestyle based on the information provided on this website.

Exercise and Equipment Recommendations

SitMotion provides information on various exercises and equipment that can be utilized while seated at a desk. However, it is important to understand that not all exercises or equipment may be suitable for everyone. Consult with a healthcare professional or certified trainer before attempting any new exercises or using unfamiliar equipment. The user assumes all risks associated with using our exercise recommendations and equipment suggestions.

Health Tips

SitMotion also offers health tips for individuals who spend prolonged periods in a sitting position. These tips are intended as general suggestions and may not be applicable to everyone. Take into account your own health condition, physical limitations, and individual circumstances when considering and implementing these recommendations.

User Responsibility

All users of SitMotion are responsible for using the information provided on this website in a safe and responsible manner. It is essential to understand your own physical limitations and listen to your body to avoid injury or adverse health effects. SitMotion is not responsible for any injuries, damages, or losses resulting from the use of the information, exercises, or equipment recommendations featured on the website.

Affiliations and Advertising

SitMotion may participate in affiliate marketing, which means that we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases made through links or advertisements placed on the website. However, our affiliate relationships do not influence the content or recommendations provided on SitMotion. We aim to deliver impartial and unbiased information.


By using SitMotion and relying on the information provided, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to the terms and conditions outlined in this disclosure. It is recommended to review this disclosure periodically, as it may be updated without notice. If you do not agree with any part of this disclosure, refrain from using the SitMotion website and its services.